

New WABC GM + New WOR Towers = New ESPN?

Somehow I can't help but think two recent developments are somewhat related.
First, WABC/770 AM has hired a new GM, Steve Borneman, this despite the pending sale of ABC to Citadel Broadcasting. Tim McCarthy, who was babysitting 77 for awhile, returns GM-ing 1050 ESPN full time.
Then it came to my attention on Allan Sniffen's board that WOR/710 AM has erected new towers. Someone in the know claims that they will make their signal "even better" than their current one.
Now, maybe it was the Mountain Dew I just ingested, but I wonder, with these two events coming within days of each other, if it leads to a major frequency-swap reminiscent of WYNY and WQHT, and WFAN and WNBC (which would leave the air) in the late 80's.
Think about it: WOR makes money, but gets little ratings. Perhaps those new towers can be plugged into 1050, giving it a better signal in the city and its immediate surroundings, and then send the ESPN format to 710 - right next door to the 'Fan?
Perhaps not - but it's a scenario radio observers like me just dream about. Wouldn't this be a logical transaction for all parties involved? Think about it.

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