Pink-slipping With The Devils.
The Asbury Park Press reports (http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060608/SPORTS/606080555/1002) in a story broken by All Access that John Hennessy, a fixture in the broadcast booth since 1995, and color analyst Randy Velischek will not be retained come next season for the New Jersey Devils radio network, heard locally on WFAN, and prior to on WABC.
The Park article goes on to name Devils neo-legend Ken Daneyko as a shoo-in for the color commentator job, yet he says he currently does not want to commit to travel, and everything else that comes with the job. Mind you, the 2006 NHL season is coming to a close, with the next season starting in four months. Ken has appeared on radio before (Q104.3, etc.) and he's just jonesing for this cherry gig. Expect him on the air this fall.
Alongside whom? This might be a bit of a stretch, but considering the Yankees don't make the postseason... I know who I'd want to hear - John Sterling! "It is shot, it is sliding, it is... goal!"