

New WABC GM + New WOR Towers = New ESPN?

Somehow I can't help but think two recent developments are somewhat related.
First, WABC/770 AM has hired a new GM, Steve Borneman, this despite the pending sale of ABC to Citadel Broadcasting. Tim McCarthy, who was babysitting 77 for awhile, returns GM-ing 1050 ESPN full time.
Then it came to my attention on Allan Sniffen's board that WOR/710 AM has erected new towers. Someone in the know claims that they will make their signal "even better" than their current one.
Now, maybe it was the Mountain Dew I just ingested, but I wonder, with these two events coming within days of each other, if it leads to a major frequency-swap reminiscent of WYNY and WQHT, and WFAN and WNBC (which would leave the air) in the late 80's.
Think about it: WOR makes money, but gets little ratings. Perhaps those new towers can be plugged into 1050, giving it a better signal in the city and its immediate surroundings, and then send the ESPN format to 710 - right next door to the 'Fan?
Perhaps not - but it's a scenario radio observers like me just dream about. Wouldn't this be a logical transaction for all parties involved? Think about it.

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B-Dub Staying in Philly After All?

Recently, I chose WIOQ/Philadelphia afternooner B-Dub as my dark horse to replace Z-100 afternooner Paul Bryant, who's "cubbing" on over to WKTU with Whoopi next month.

Turns out AllAccess announced his engagement to his beau Nicole, and added they plan "to marry in Philadelphia" next November.

This can easily be looked at from both sides of the fence:

B-Dub is loved by one and many in Philly.


B-Dub knows something we don't know - yet - and is spreading the happy.

Could Z-100 be the first major market station with both local drive times "single-casted" to two specific markets?

Stay tuned.

Methinks KTU's Disco Ball Will Burn Out

I've noticed that a lot of those "New York's Dance Music Leader" taxitop ads and billboards have virtually all but disappeared from New York City.

When you factor in the two high-profile dismissals over at WKTU, that's a sure sign that a change is coming.

So where are they going? After a virtual leap to the top of the ratings in 1996 after replacing Country 103.5, most recently, WKTU has been hovering around the 3's. Which is not to be confused with, say, WOR, which always hovers around the 2's - but makes money.

That's my point. The format is probably not doing a good job billing-wise. The nostalgia has not only worn off, it's run its course at this point. Over in Detroit, when 106.7 flipped to country and it "asked" its listeners what they wanted their new name to be, CC got an overwhelming response for "W4", and - predetermined radio criteria notwithstanding - denied their request, with good reason.

These days, anyone who has a flair for the nostalgic can run wild in the world of satellite radio. They can indulge in broadcast radio staples to their hearts' desires. Oldies. Standards. Howard Stern.

Anyway, back to my funeral dirge to WKTU... If you listen to the station now, without its three drive-time anchor personalities, it's as if the station is transmitting via a hollow shell. You can bet more changes - if not one big one - is in store for 103.5 by July. And given Whoopi and Cubby's impending morning show, I'd have to say it'll be a format that leans toward women - yet doesn't borrow from its cash machine WLTW... or will it? Maybe the current format on WLTW - uptempo jive hits and all - will be the new format on WKTU, and once that's done, most - if not all - of said uptempo jive hits will be taken out of the rotation on WLTW? Really, today alone they played "Under Pressure" (Queen/Bowie) and "Take Your Time" (SOS Band) - not your average dental office muzak indeed... I'd like to think the new WKTU will be programmed similar to their sister station out on the left coast, KOST. I would imagine that'll be the station in L.A. carrying Caryn and Paul in the Morning...

If you need me, I'll be waiting for the other platform shoe to drop. This should be very interesting.



Broadway Thrown Out In The Street.

Say it ain't so. Bill Lee, the DJ who still has the rhythm - and the rhyme - was apparently fired by WKTU today. In the middle of his shift, no less.
Don't misread what I'm about to say, because even after all these years, Broadway's still got it. I'm not suggesting age had a role in his dismissal - heck, Jim Kerr's been in the business just as long as Bill, and he's been on Q104.3 for a couple years... But I've seen someone suggest that Bill Lee would be a perfect fit on Z-100.
It's not that Z-100 is, like WKTU, owned by Clear Channel, that Lee likely wouldn't end up there. But the median age of the main air talent on the station would have to be around 34 or so... (Yes, I'm aware of Jonathan Bell - hence why I stressed "main" air talent.) And I know Z-100 has a spot to fill with Cubby joining Whoopi on the new WKTU morning show (which I think might be related to the 86'ing of Broadway - more on that later). But that position will likely go to B Dub out of Philly, or Kane from Tampa... Bill Lee, if he were to end up at Z-100, might have to settle for weekend and fill-in duties, at best. We're talking Jo Jo Morales territory here. And for a DJ like Bill Lee, talent shouldn't be wasted like that.
Of course, Bill Lee will end up on another station. Of course, the natural choice would be WNEW, who will likely be picking up fellow KTU castaways Baltazar and Goomba for afternoons... But something tells me he might "tone it down" at Emmis' CD 101.9. Perhaps he can expand his talents, like the aforementioned Mr. Kerr...
As far as WKTU... With the "86-ing of Broadway" coming on the heels of the "Pickling of B&G", I'd have to wonder if a tinkering with the station's rhythmic format is in order. Rhythmic AC, perhaps? Whoopi, to me, would seem like an AC-kinda host. And you certainly don't want to serve a threat to sister station WLTW. In fact, nobody seems to want to be a threat to WLTW from any other broadcasting family. What gives... Anyway, with these two transactions, WNEW has yet to flinch, other than announce their new partnership with Vibes Media on their new text messaging promotion. And if you read my post from yesterday, you read me wonder aloud why WNEW's "classic dance" demo would desire to utilize such a "futuristic" tool like that. And if neither of the three KTU castaways arrive at 888 7th Avenue - well, then, that's exactly why...


Pink-slipping With The Devils.

The Asbury Park Press reports (http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060608/SPORTS/606080555/1002) in a story broken by All Access that John Hennessy, a fixture in the broadcast booth since 1995, and color analyst Randy Velischek will not be retained come next season for the New Jersey Devils radio network, heard locally on WFAN, and prior to on WABC.
The Park article goes on to name Devils neo-legend Ken Daneyko as a shoo-in for the color commentator job, yet he says he currently does not want to commit to travel, and everything else that comes with the job. Mind you, the 2006 NHL season is coming to a close, with the next season starting in four months. Ken has appeared on radio before (Q104.3, etc.) and he's just jonesing for this cherry gig. Expect him on the air this fall.
Alongside whom? This might be a bit of a stretch, but considering the Yankees don't make the postseason... I know who I'd want to hear - John Sterling! "It is shot, it is sliding, it is... goal!"



Predicting The Other 19 CBS/Vibes Stations

As an addendum to the previous blogpost, R&R disclosed only six of the 25 CBS stations partnering with Vibes Media with their text messaging technology. And they were gracious enough to list the other cities participating in this project.

So here's a prediction of the remaining 19 stations that will be part of this plan... First, notice that virtually all of the cities in which there is a Free-FM station are in this project. Yet KLSX in L.A. is not listed as a participant in the original story. Anyway, I'm sticking to my guns and predicting that the other text-radio guinea pigs will be Free FM stations, sports and other formats.

And the nominees are:

Atlanta - WVEE-FM - Urban
Baltimore - WHFS-FM - Free-FM
Boston - WBCN-FM - Alternative
Cleveland - WXRK-FM - Alternative
Dallas - KLLI-FM - Free-FM
Detroit - WKRK-FM - Free-FM, WXYT-AM - Sports
Houston - KILT-AM - Sports, KILT-FM - Country
Philadelphia - WYSP-FM - Free-FM, WIP-AM - Sports
Phoenix - KZON-FM - Free-FM
Pittsburgh - WZPT-FM - Hot AC
San Diego - KSCF-FM - Free-FM
San Francisco - KIFR-FM - Free-FM, KLLC-FM - Hot AC
Seattle - KBKS-FM - CHR/Pop
Tampa - WQYK-FM - Country
Washington, DC - WJFK-FM - Free-FM

Text Message: Flip Imminent at WNEW?

So R&R that reports a couple dozen CBS Radio stations will be utilizing text-messaging technology through a partnership with Vibes Media (http://www.radioandrecords.com/Newsroom/2006_06_07/cbsradio.asp) .
While just a few of the stations are listed, it should be notable that of the two New York stations, one of them is WNEW - "New York's Classic Dance Mix". The other, of course, is WFNY, with their "Free-FM" technology and their instant messages... Not to put all of WNEW's demographic under one umbrella, but this is a station that doesn't play currents. So what would their listening audience gain from text messages from this particular station in its current incarnation? I mean, Free-FM is a good candidate for it, but why not one of the two news stations? Jack already has some text message technology going on, currently, as well.
Frankly, the fact that WNEW is utilizing this technology makes me think something's afoot. And WNEW should be busy trying to hire Balt & Goomba than worrying about a futuristic tech toy for their "classic dance" listeners.
But I digress...

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Adam Carolla's Absence: Timing... Or Bullcrap?

"The impending birth of twins" is the reason Adam Carolla will not be hosting the next couple of shows out West over on Free-FM.

So says Inside Radio, on the heels of a blurb on that very same website the day before, reporting CBS' ultimatum to advertisers - if the show's ratings don't improve, Carolla will be, well, a lemon, and put in the garage next to the Model DLR, and possibly the Range Rover.

FYI, Jimmy Kimmel will be hosting the show during Adam's absence.

Oh yeah, and the same Inside Radio blurb on Monday speculated that Opie & Anthony would be possible replacements for Carolla should his show be cancelled. Just as what happened to DLR.

Makes me wonder what the real reason behind Rover's colon perils were last month...

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